This is the first Sunday of 2013, and I think it would be a good habit to do blog updates each Sunday evening. Here's what I've been up to stitchwise this past week.
I started HAED's Foregone by Marta Dahlig at midnight on New Year's Eve and worked on that this weekend as well. Here's a picture of my progress so far with about 1800 stitches in. This section is all dark colors, including black, dark brown, and deep plum.
HAED's Foregone by Marta Dahlig - first 1800 stitches |
I've also been trying to select a framer for Gigi R's Belles-Lettres D that I finished on December 30th. The first quote threw me into sticker shock, but I've come to realize that if I want such a large piece framed really nicely by someone who knows how to handle cross stitch, it's going to be expensive. I now have two quotes I'm consdering and hoping to hear from one other source before making a final selection. Here's the piece in question, which has a stitched area about 28" x 22".
Gigi R's Belles Lettres D - Waiting for Framing |
I did receive the first page of the HAED BB Freebie SAL QS The Literate Dragon by Randal Spangler, but I have my rotation full for January and will probably start that sometime next month. I'm really enjoying stitching Foregone, so I want to continue work on her, as well as HAED's Angel with Iris by Nadia Strelkina. In addition, I will probably finish beading Mirabilia's Midsummer Night's Fairy and start Wisteria by The Silver Lining this month. Those four will certainly keep me busy!
HAED QS The Literate Dragon by Randal Spangler - Probably a February New Start |
HAED Angel with Iris by Nadia Strelkina - WIP |
Wisteria by The Silver Lining - January New Start |
Mirabilia's Midsummer Night's Fairy - Awaiting Her Final Beading |